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accpower al enerji elektrik  
Maintenance-Free Battery Redressor Groups

400 VAC -24VDC 50 A Redressor

General Features

It is used as direct-current source and battery charger (redressor). It has microprocessor control. Outlet voltage, outlet current, fast charger voltage and fast charger time is set wanted value from the digital panel. It has complete stabilized automatic three-phase inlet and also, load and lighting and dry contact warning outlet.

  • Microprocessor controlled DC Power Supply
  • Working according to principles of constant voltage and constant current
  • A fast charge feature with time set
  • Adjustable Boost and Nominal Charge Voltage
  • Adjustable output current
  • External alarm contacts
  • Modular structure
  • With insulator transformer outlet
  • With Parallel / Series connection
  • Monitoring current, voltage on display
  • Under/over voltage, over current protection
  • Short-circuit protection
  • Inlet filter
  • High temperature protection
  • Control panel

Redressor automation warnings (optional)

Earthing leakage current protection switch and warning contact / contactor of battery critical discharge level protection  and warning contact / network switch contact and lighting warning / battery switch warning contact  and lighting warning / load switch warning contact and lighting warning / outlet under voltage warning contact and lighting warning / outlet over voltage contact and lighting warning / no network warning contact and lighting warning / redressor  failure warning contact and lighting warning / over load warning contact and lighting warning /over heat warning contact and lighting warning …


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