It used for the purpose of providing the needs of DC auxiliary voltage of electrical facility such as kiosk, high-power battery charger and battery pack are not practical and economical to use a small substations.
The product consists of the parts of the charger unit and maintenance-free battery groups.
The most important point when using maintenance-free battery is that chose the right charger method. Wrong charger methods reduce the performance and shorten its life. Constant charger method is used in device and the beginning charger current is limited as 1.5 A.
Maintenance-free battery group
It has the battery of capacity of minimum 6,5 Ah. DC voltage ( 24,48,100V DC) connecting the batteries is obtained.
Maintenance-free batteries have several advantages over lead-acid batteries have;
• Acid sealed.
• They do not produce gas at excessive charge.
• Ex-proof.
• Maintenance-free
• Normal charging can keep even the heavy charge.
• The self-discharge rate is very low.
• Works in a wide temperature range.
It is electronic equipment which converts AC voltage to DC voltage. Redressors are used in lots of area such as power supplies in computers, generators. The inverse function of redressor is called invertor. It is possible that to collect under the same title as inlet voltage; 1 phase 220 volt ac and 3 phase 380 volt ac. The nominal outlet DC voltages in industrial applications can be 12,24,48,110,220 volts. The standard outlet capacities are 10,25,50,100,200 A. Its usage purpose is auxiliary energy, security and emergency illumination. Especially, it has critical applications like protection of cathodic, substation, pipe lines, switchgear. In these, it is used with batteries. Depending on the needs and practices applied to very different output voltages are also available fields; for exle forklift and scrubber. Depending on the applications and needs it varies of different technologies and functions. There are common practices of redressor with using invertors. In redressors, digital indicators can be optional with adjustable outlet voltage and outlet current. Microprocessor controlled productions can be preferred in terms of enhanced properties such as control, monitoring, safety.